A tradition starts with a history and fortunately, much of Triratna's history was captured on video.
We're working to make these videos available so that future generations have a clear sense of connection with their lineage.
But we can only do this with your help!
Sangharakshita revisits his time as a wandering 'Dharma Farer' in the India of the 1940's. The occasion for this colourful set of stories and related insights is the 60th anniversary of his decision to 'Go Forth' into the homeless life, in line with the oldest Buddhist traditions.
Sangharakshita is in fine, thoughtful, at times even mischievous form as he heads into his 83rd year, and, as usual, is uncompromising in his vision of the spiritual life as a vital challenge to the comfortable mores of our times.
Recorded at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in 2007
A tradition starts with a history and fortunately, much of Triratna's history was captured on video.
We're working to make these videos available so that future generations have a clear sense of connection with their lineage.
But we can only do this with your help!