A tradition starts with a history and fortunately, much of Triratna's history was captured on video.
We're working to make these videos available so that future generations have a clear sense of connection with their lineage.
But we can only do this with your help!
On the 50th anniversary of his ‘Going Forth’, speaking at the 1997 convention of the Western Buddhist Order, Sangharakshita shares his current reflections in relation to that historic event and the Buddha’s Noble Quest.
He gives a brief account of different levels of going forth and then speaks more specifically in terms of going forth from body, speech and mind, touching on the areas, amongst others, of going forth from country and language, and the practise of silence during meals.
A tradition starts with a history and fortunately, much of Triratna's history was captured on video.
We're working to make these videos available so that future generations have a clear sense of connection with their lineage.
But we can only do this with your help!