A tradition starts with a history and fortunately, much of Triratna's history was captured on video.
We're working to make these videos available so that future generations have a clear sense of connection with their lineage.
But we can only do this with your help!
Poetry and verse were a lifelong love of Sangharakshita. His deep reverence for the Buddha is often expressed in his own poetry. This programme explores Bhante’s thoughts on the importance of devotion whether expressed through writing, adorning shrines, puja or in other ways.
Paramartha considers the books of verse that Sangharakshita kept with him throughout his life including a text that proved an important source of inspiration, encouragement and guidance not only in his early years in India but throughout his life.
A tradition starts with a history and fortunately, much of Triratna's history was captured on video.
We're working to make these videos available so that future generations have a clear sense of connection with their lineage.
But we can only do this with your help!